The Village Board of Trustees, in an effort to improve the water service along the 22nd Avenue corridor, has approved the contract to relay a portion of the forty-four year old water main on 22nd Avenue. Those of you who live in this utility district may remember this water main, installed in 1972, gave the Village considerable problems, including loss of service to residents, during the 2015/16 winter season.
Construction will be concentrated north of Highway E to the 800 block of 22nd Avenue, but all utility customers utilizing this main will be impacted. It will be necessary to temporarily shut down the water main periodically while transitioning from the old to the new system. Construction will take place on the east side of 22nd Avenue and you may be delayed entering driveways and crossing streets for a brief time. Please accept our apology for this temporary inconvenience.
Construction will commence on September 19, 2016. The Contractors hours are 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM, weather permitting. We expect completion by November 1, 2016.
We believe this utility improvement project will provide problem-free and a more reliable water service to your residence or business.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. William Morris, Village/Town Administrator at 262-859-2822 or [email protected].