Assessor Contact Information
Somers has contracted with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. to assess real estate and personal property in the Village and Town. The most recent contract was approved at the Village Board and Town Board meetings in 2018.
Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc.
Corporate Offices
W6237 Neubert Road
Appleton, WI 54913
P.O. Box 0440 Greenville, WI 54942
(920) 749-1995
Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc.
Assessors who are conducting field work:
- Wear photo ID tags
- Wear company clothing
- Drive red fleet vehicles displaying Associated Appraisal name and logo
What is assessed value?
The “assessed value” of taxable property in a municipality is determined by the local assessor, except for manufacturing properties which are valued by the State. Each city, village or town retains its own local assessor, who must be certified by the State Department of Revenue. Assessed value is used by these municipalities to determine tax levy mill rates and to apportion levies among individual property owners. Beginning in 1986, the State required that the assessed values must be within 10% of State equalized values at least once every five years. The local assessor values property as of January 1 each year and submits those values to each municipality the second Monday in May. The assessor also reports any value changes taking place since the previsous year, to the Department of Revenue, by this same date.
What is the role of the assessor?
The assessor is a state-certified professional whose duties are to discover, list, and place a value on all taxable real and personal property in the village in a uniform manner. The assessor is not involved in the collection of the property tax.
What if if the assessor stops at my house when I am not home?
A tag will be left at the door with instructions for any action required on your part.
General Information about Assessment and Taxation in Wisconsin
General information about property assessment and taxation in the State of Wisconsin can be viewed at Guide for Property Owners published by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.