Inspection Checklist
Inspection results will be posted on the door jam of a bathroom if residential or near the front door of a commercial building. A Certificate of Occupancy must be issued by the Building Inspector prior to the occupancy or use of the building.
Erosion control inspection must be completed prior to footing inspection.
Footing inspection must be completed after forms and required reinforcing are in place, but before concrete is poured.
Foundation inspection is to be completed before backfilling.
Rough inspection is to be completed for each category below before work is covered or concealed:
- Building
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Under floor vapor barrier (basement)
Insulation inspection is to be completed after insulation and vapor barrier are in place but before they are covered or concealed.
Final inspection is to be completed for each category below after all work is completed but before use or occupancy:
- Building
- Electrical
- Plumbing