The basketball program has been canceled.


This advanced golf clinic offers friendly instruction to junior golfers who have played or are familiar with golf. We offer instruction for ages 7 to 17 years old.  A combination of teaching stations will take place in the lower level of the Village/Town Hall.  Full swing instruction, one on one putting evaluations, short game drills and techniques along with golf course management will be included in this series of lessons. V1 Video Golf Software will be used during this class.


Dan Plens is the Head Golf Professional at Bristol Oaks Golf Club in Bristol, Wisconsin. He is a graduate of Golf Academy of America (09) and has spent the last 10 years as the Teaching Golf Professional. His specialties are working with each player’s own authentic swing, while providing sound instruction for each player to understand and grow their skills. While providing lessons to all ages, Plens is also a certified US Kids Golf Coach

For more information, call the Village/Town Hall during office hours 262-859-2822.