Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may submit a request for an absentee ballot. Requests may be in person, by mail, fax, email or online.

Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot is issued.

To request a ballot from Municipal Clerk/Treasure Mary Ann Cole at the Somers Village/Town Hall, 7511 12th Street (Highway E), your written request must list your voting address within the municipality where you wish to vote, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature.

The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is 5 p.m. Thursday, February 10, 2022.

Please note that special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot. She can be reached via email at or via phone at 262-859-2822.

The Somers Village/Town Clerk/Treasurer has more information about absentee voting in this notice.

Additional information about voting is available at this link

2022.02.15 Clk Type E In Person And Drop Box Absentee 8.22 X 11