Somers Chargers 4-H Club. Photo taken in April, 2015 at their meeting held at Somers Village/Town Hall
Photo by Jacqueline Klapproth Nelson


4-H grows confident, capable, and caring kids with the life skills to thrive in today’s world and succeed in their boldest dreams for tomorrow.  4-H welcomes youth from age 5 years through the first year of college.  Project leaders, local club leaders, and parents all work on individual and community projects with our youth.  The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, historian and sergeant at arms are elected from youth members and conduct the business of each meeting.  Parents, children, and special guests present educational talks about topics of interest ranging from photography, musical instruments, animals projects, plant propagation, rocketry, robotics, computers, creative writing, fishing, archery, sewing, dramatics, and more!

Community Projects

Somers Chargers:

  • submits a float entry annually at the Somers Independence Day Parade
  • decorates the Somers Post Office each December for the holiday season
  • participates in the Kenosha County Adopt-A-Trail program where youth cleans up trash along the walk/bike trail area from Petrifying Springs, UW-Parkside, along Highway E east, and then south to Birch Road
  • created a bench on a patio block area at the Somers American Legion David Leet Post #552 (located on Highway E) for all veterans to enjoy.  The project was funded by a Youth As Resources (YAR) grant
  • collected personal hygiene and snack items to send to veterans serving in “Operation Iraqi Freedom”
  • have assisted in serving at the Somers American Legion Pancake Breakfast and Spaghetti Dinner events
  • was the first club to first plant and landscape the gardens around Safe Harbor animal shelter
  • planted and weeded gardens each spring at the Daybreak program when it was located in Bristol
  • pioneered having individual 4-H club t-shirts
  • participates in serving at the Kenosha County fair 4-H pizza booth
  • has served as host in the 4-H exhibition buildings at the Kenosha County fair
  • were the first club to donate themed auction baskets to support the fair
  • received a Youth As Resources (YAR) grant to provide recycling bins for the Kenosha County fair in 2012.

Current General Leader Effective September 2016

Hannah Baker.  Contact information:  (262) 818-1668.
Any parents who have questions about joining the Somers Chargers 4-H Club are encouraged to contact Hannah.


First Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
Village/Town of Somers Hall:  Fire Department Training Room


The Somers Chargers 4-H club was established August 1980.  For a period of five years, the Chargers held meetings at and were supported by the Somers American Legion David Leet Post #552.  A Somers/Pleasant Prairie Club 4-H club was established in 1971.  They called themselves the Somerettes.  Meetings were held at Bose Elementary School.  The club sponsored an annual Somers Easter egg hunt.

4-H in the Town of Somers has a long history.  Here are a few examples.

  • “The Progressive 4-H Club of Bullamore Forks met around the camp fire with their leader on the school grounds.” (Source: Racine Journal Sept 1, 1943)
  • “Somers 4-H Club held a beach party on the lakeshore with the Hillcrest Hill Tops 4-H members as their guests.  Games and a wiener roast were enjoyed.” (Source:  Racine Journal Aug 9, 1935)
  • “The 4-H Sewing Club met with Helen Leet this week.  The girls are working on projects for the Kenosha County fair.” (Source: Racine Journal Aug 9, 1935)
  • “Approximately 70 Kenosha County 4-H Club members of Somers and Salem townships gathered at Paddock Lake to participate in the first one-day club camp program in the county.  Other 4-H clubs represented the first day were Berryville, Kellogg’s Corners, Hillcrest, and Trever.” (Source: Racine Journal July 29, 1935)
  • “The Somers 4-H Club visited the boys’ garden projects.  Afterward they went to Pets for a camp fire, sunset and candle lighting service.  A supper was served to about 35 members.  The girls exhibited their sewing and baking projects on the William Lauer porch in the evening.” (Source:  Racine Journal Aug 16, 1934)
  • “The Willing Workers 4-H Club met Friday evening at Wood Road School.” (Source:  Racine Journal Aug 16, 1934)

Past Leaders of Somers Chargers 4-H

Sally Dahl, Dawn and James Broemelkamp, Stephanie Caputo, John and Carol Cramer, Judy Kirchner, Bob and Sherry Ludeman, Larry Mathein, Krista Reck, Mary Sasik, Judy Sexton, Rita Soens, Emily Stalsbert