Who sponsors the Explorer Program?
The Somers Fire and Rescue Department, in conjunction with the Boy Scouts of America, sponsors the Somers Explorer Program Post #463. The Somers Post #463 was founded October 10, 2012.
Who can participate in the Explorer Program?
The Explorer Program is a chance for youth aged 14 to 21 years old to explore what it would be like to have a career in fire and emergency services. Another goal of the program is to provide young adults with a sense of neighborhood responsibility through training, drills, and community related activities such as trhe American Lung Association’s “Fight for Air Climb” fundraiser.
When are meetings held?
Somers Explorers is an active Post that meets twice a month, year round, on Saturdays from 9 AM – 12 Noon. Locations of meetings may be held offsite or at other fire department locations to conduct joint training.
Who are the Explorer Advisors?
Meetings are organized by Somers career firefighters that also function as advisors to the post. Advisors are required to hold a valid Youth Protector Training certification. Currently, Somers Fire & Rescue Department has six certified advisors who work with the Explorer Program on a volunteer basis.
Who should I contact for more information?
Captain Scott Schoenfeld, Somers Fire & Rescue Department at 262-859-2277
Click here to read the Fire and Emergency Services Exploring Program Guidelines.
What does an Explorer get to do?
During meetings, Explorers discuss how the Somers Fire and Rescue Departments operates and they learn about upcoming events that the Department is participating in and different operations that the Fire Department performs. Members are also given the opportunity to receive hands on training with some of the equipment that the firefighters use. Once qualified, an Explorer can perform ride-a-longs with the on-duty shifts, attend trainings, and go on calls during these ride-a-longs. Explorer gain confidence, learn to use various tools, develop mechanical skills and readiness, and acquire a greater awareness of fire safety. All of the photos below are activities of the Somers Explorers.
Somers Explorer Group
Training: Street to full full with breathing aparatus in 2 minutes
(Photo by Jacqueline Klapproth Nelson October 2016)
Captain Schoenfeld demonstrates how to position head gear properly.
(Photo by Jacqueline Klapproth Nelson October 2016)
Somers Explorer in full gear
(Photo by Jacqueline Klapproth Nelson October 2016)

Training on climbing and assisting with ground ladders. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Training how to extinguish car fires. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Playing basketball in Hazmat suits. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Working on donning fire gear and self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
(Photo by Dusty Thorpe)
Training on open water rescue. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Training for rope rescue with Stokes Basket. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)
Training for ice rescue. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)
Assisting at a training burn inside and outside structure. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Clearing fire hydrants after a winter storm. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Enjoying a campfire at an Explorer fire camp. (Photo by Scott Schoenfeld)

Testimonial from a Somers Fire Explorer
Trever Schoenfeld, Somers Explorer
“I joined Explorers when I was fourteen years old. I have always had an interest in the fire service because my family has been in the fire service for several decades. By learning and experiencing new skills, such as live fire training, rope rescue, and ice rescue, the Explorer program has helped me decide if I want a career in fire service. The Somers Explorer program is very family oriented. It has given me the opportunity to work side by side with my dad, other members of the Somers Fire & Rescue Deparment who volunteer their time to be Advisors, and the many new friends I have made during the years I participated in this program.
Recently I successfully completed my Firefighter I certification and am currently enrolled in an Emergency Medical Technician program. If you combine the leadership positions I have held, and the training and experience in fire service, the Somers Explorer program has been a temendous benefit in helping me build my career. I look forward to protecting and serving the community someday when I become a full time firefighter. When I achieve that goal I plan to become an Explorer Advisor so I can help future Explorers excel in their fire service career path.”
—Trever Schoenfeld
October, 2016