Village & Town of Somers News
Upcoming elections
Don't forget about the April 6, 2021 elections. Find out about the locations of your polling place on this notice. For more information about the election, absentee voting and sample ballots, visit this link. If you have further questions, please contact Village Clerk /...
Voting available at assisted living facility
Absentee voting will take place at Home Inspired Senior Living, 1201 Village Centre Drive, Somers, March 29, 2021, at 9 a.m. Special voting deputies, appointed by the Village of Somers, will be administering absentee voting for the residents of this facility for the April...
Highway 31 traffic switch
Starting March 25, the traffic pattern on Green Bay Road will change. Both directions of traffic will be shifted to the northbound lanes beginning in the afternoon Braun Road and Old Green Bay Road. The new traffic pattern is anticipated to remain in place...
Fourth of July Parade registration available
The registration form for the 4th of July Parade is now available. Anyone looking to register for the parade and ice cream social can do so by submitting this form. Somers residents enjoy the...
Highway S project update
The reconstruction of Highway S is set to resume the week of March 29. The work will start with the construction of new eastbound lanes on the footprint of the original roadway. The new westbound lanes, located north of the original highway will start...