
Village & Town of Somers News

2020 General election absentee ballots

November 3rd, 2020|

In the Nov. 3, 2020 general election, 3,398 absentee ballots were issued to Village voters, 3,236 were received. In the Town, 393 absentee ballots were issued, 374 were received. In comparison, the Feb. 18, 2020 election absentee ballot numbers can be seen here. ...

Presidential visit road closures

November 2nd, 2020|

Due to the Presidential visit to Kenosha Nov. 2, 2020, the following roads will be closed to traffic: Starting at 7:45 a.m., Highway H (88th Avenue) will be closed between Highway 142 and 50th Street. Note that the Department of Motor Vehicles will be...

Drop-off your absentee ballots

November 2nd, 2020|

Somers Village Clerk/Treasurer would like to remind all registered voters that absentee ballots need to be dropped off by 7:30 p.m. at the box located at Fire Station #2, 818 12th Street or by 8 p.m. at the box located at the Somers Village/Town...

Time to check your smoke alarms

October 29th, 2020|

With the end of daylight saving time, the Somers Fire Department reminds residents to change their fire detectors' batteries. Homes should have a smoke detector on each level and in all bedrooms. Maintain your detectors to make sure they work when you need them...

Trick-or-treat hours

October 27th, 2020|

Trick-or-treat hours in Somers will be the same at the city of Kenosha. Hours are set for 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday Oct. 31, 2020 (Halloween Day). Households interested in giving away treats should indicate their interest by turning on their porch or front...

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