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Softball General Rules
Home/Softball General Rules
Softball General RulesKevin Poirier2013-09-19T01:41:07-05:00
General Rules
- A-ball – (Coach Pitched) Swing until you hit; after 5 swings, coach will assist; bat full roster every inning
- AA-ball – (Coach Pitched) Only swinging strikes will be called; 3 strikes = out; no walks; 3 outs per side
- Minor/Major/HS – 4 balls/3 strikes/3 outs; Arc: 3’-10’ from point of release; Mat/Plate = strike; 7 runs or 3 outs = change sides (except last inning); 10 run slaughter rule
Pitcher Warm-ups
- Five before game starts; 3 between innings (new pitcher gets 5 warm-ups)
- Team will not warm up on field before games
- Batting Helmets will be optional
- Catchers Masks will be required for all divisions except T-ball; other catchers gear is optional
- Batters Box – (Minors/Majors/HS) – Batter must stay in box while swinging; stepping on plate while hitting ball is an out.
- No Illegal Bats – Official softball bats only (umps discretion for T-ball, A & AA)
- No Bunting – No Stealing – No Leading Off
- Bat Throwing – 1 warning per team; after that batters will be called out.
Pop up to Catcher
- Three feet over catchers head and caught = out
- Third foul strike caught by catcher without hitting ground = out
- Fair Ball – Between bases; if grounder goes over 1st or 3rd then hits foul – IT IS FAIR; ball must travel over bag
- Force Out – If all bases before base where play is made are occupied, runner is out
Infield Fly Rule
- Less than 2 outs
- Runners on 1st and 2nd, or 1st, 2nd & 3rd, batter hits fly ball in infield
- Batter is automatically out; runners can advance at their own risk
- Orange Bag at First Base – (Minors, Majors, HS) – belongs to the runner – (fielder must use white bag)
- If throw goes past out of play fence or into players bench, ball is out of play and runners receive base going to + 1 from time of throw
- If ball hits fence and stays in play, it is considered a live ball and runners advance at their own risk
Runner Hit by Batted Ball
- If runner is not on a base and defensive player did not touch ball, the runner is OUT
Base Path
- Runner must stay in base path
- Base bath is 3’ each side of imaginary straight line between 2 bases
- Defense must give right of base path unless there is a play at his/her base
- Runner may not intimidate defensive player while advancing
- Sliding – (Minor/Major/HS) On a close play, if the runner does not slide – runner will be called OUT; this is for everyone’s safety
- Calling Time – Players must have ball and be in infield to call TIME
- No Throwing Glove – No player can throw his or her glove at ball to stop or slow ball
Time Limits
- T-Ball (35 min or 3 innings)
- A/AA/Minor/Major/HS (55 min or 7 innings)
- Time limit starts at start of game (Ump should inform coaches of official start times)
- No innings will start after allowed time has expired unless game is tied
- Home team is allowed to bat when losing if inning started within time limit
- Only 7 runs allowed per inning (teams switch sides)
- Slaughter Rule – 10 runs after 5 innings
May, 2010
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